There are a few reasons why Google might only be indexing a small fraction of your website's pages.


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There are a few reasons why Google might only be indexing a small fraction of your website's pages.


1. Crawl Budget Issues:

  • Google allocates a crawl budget for each site, which is essentially how many pages it will try to crawl and index. If your site has a lot of low-quality content, thin pages, or duplicate content, Google might spend its crawl budget on those pages instead of the valuable ones.
  • Solution: Focus on creating high-quality, informative content and remove any thin or duplicate pages.

2. Technical SEO Problems:

  • There could be technical issues with your website that make it difficult for Google to crawl and index your pages. This could include things like broken links, slow loading times, mobile-friendliness issues, or robots.txt blocking important pages.
  • Solution: Use tools like Google Search Console to identify and fix technical SEO errors on your site.

3. Sitemaps:

  • Google primarily uses sitemaps to discover new and updated pages on your website. If your sitemap is outdated, incorrect, or non-existent, Google might miss important pages.
  • Solution: Make sure you have a properly formatted sitemap submitted to Google Search Console.



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